LI spot video

Long islands not that bad...

dan, baltrus and me got some shit done at the building spot today

1 hour Secret Spot Session from zipper1022 on Vimeo.

so ive been riding alot more now thats its getting
warmer..i through this little edit together from a
prefab session me and a few buddies had. I cant wait
to get into boston.

click HERE for the edit
keep in touch

matty has been all over youtube lately.

first he was freaking out about myspace...
now this...
what's next?????

you know im just kidding.

we all greatly appreciate matty and his savage abilities
that extend past bmx and life.

bike and ramps and stuff

Just finished redoing my parts and sandblasting
HERE to check it out

and did more ramped slow's..there really fun
click HERE to check those out

stay warm

So ive been pretty bummed latly...not
riding and filming as much as i want to.
I cant wait for spring to roll around..ive
been buzy with school shit lately trying
to be somebody. im basically redoing
everything on my entire bike from color
to parts so i should have pics up in a few the meantime watch THIS
.....i kinda learned ramped slow-mos.
i need pratice but its really fun.

Stay Warm and keep in touch...seriously
-Charlie Crumlish